Stonecroft HOA, Inc.
Woodstock, Georgia
Approved Contractors*
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Before making any changes to your exterior home or backyard, you'll first need to complete the Architectural Modifications Form (AMF) below and submit to the HOA Board for the Architectural Control Committee review and approval or denial.
Architectural Modifications Form (AMF)
Approved Shutters & Roof Shingles
Failure to obtain proper approvals upfront may result in costly re-work if the changes are not within the HOA-approved architectural standards.
Pressure Washing:
Ask about our Neighborhood Special!
The Cleaning Solutions offers zero pressure cleaning of the exterior of your house (excluding the roof), driveway, walkway, concrete front stoop, concrete patio, and fence. They provide a mildeside and algaecide to keep your exterior clean for 12 months guaranteed. Products are safe for plants, pets, and kids. Payment is rendered upon completion and your inspection. To make an appointment, call Tom Abbott at 770-899-6208.
General "Handyman":
Call Robert Kramer of The Trusty Hammer at 770-820-4827.
Siding/Gate/Fence Repair:
Lowe’s online has available replacement parts for our siding, fences, and gates.
Home Depot Customer Service Desk has a service that gives you names of contractors that can paint for you (at your own expense). Please review the Architectural Standards below first for the approved colors/style shutters and roof shingles.
Home Depot or Lowe's Customer Service Desk has a service that gives you names of plumbers that can help you with any plumbing items (at your own expense). The HOA Board is NOT responsible for water line leaks on homeowners' property. The HOA Board is only responsible for irrigation leaks and maintenance/repairs.
Dynamic Plumbing is an approved plumber with HomeServe. If you have any plumbing issues, even if you don't have HomeServe, contact Jason Barrow at 770-334-2000. He is familiar with our subdivision and the water line issues.
NOTE: The homes are over 20 years old, and numerous homeowners have experienced water line breaks due to the pvc pipes used by the builder. HomeServe 1-855-336-2465 provides insurance for such problems...but may only cover breaks on your property. If your water line crosses another homeowners' property before reaching the water main, and the break occurs on the neighboring property, then it might not be covered by the insurance. Given the insurance is only ~$100/year, it might be worth having, should a break occur. HomeSafe 1-800-856-4414 also provides insurance for water leaks (as well as for everything in your home) for approximately $80/month. Feel free to contact any Board Member to discuss further.
Roll Dawg Landscaping currently maintains the Stonecroft subdivision front yards and common areas. They are also available to service your back yard (at your own expense). They are available for a one-time cleanup or ongoing maintenance.
Call Michael Haney at 770-315-4191 for a quote and to schedule.

*Stonecroft has all rights to remove contractors from this list in the event our homeowners are dissatisfied with their work and provide formal, legitimate complaints to the HOA Board.
*Stonecroft is not liable for work performed by contractors on homeowners' personal property.
*Homeowners are responsible for payment of services rendered on their personal property.